Venois Bank Informations

“We are glad for the reliable, qualified, perfect services that we have been providing from 2005.
Endless thanks to all our customers accompanying to our pleasure every time.”

Venois Bank Informations

Thank you for your interest in Venois. Should you have any questions about our services or company, you can contact us using our contact informations.

Bank Name Ibann No
Branch Code
Account No Bank Account Owner
(U.S. Dollar Account)
TR59 0006 2000 2070 0009 0910 16
SwiftBIC Code : TGBATRIS207
9091016 (U.S. Dollar Account) Serkan Özduman

(Turkish Lira Account)
TR59 0006 2000 2070 0009 0910 16
SwiftBIC Code : TGBATRIS207
6298831 (Turkish Lira Account) Serkan Özduman


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